Man!! I'm so jelly of you right now!! I'm originally from Cocoa Beach FL. I grew up surf fishing on the regular, any six foot spinning rod combo with about 15-20lb test will work. As for bait you could catch sand fleas at the waters edge or get dead shrimp from any bait and tackle shop. The best two lures I ever used were Zara Spooks and Gold/Silver spoons. Softbaits are also good, go with any thing by D.O.A or Chartreuse color with a red head. We used to paddle out on our surfboards with a chunk of chicken on a big hook connected to winch cable for sharks. If I had access to my pics I would post some of the sharks we would catch, biggest was a 13ft tiger shark (took 4 hours to get in). If you stop at any small mom and pop bait shop they will be more than happy to get you squared away. When you get to the Keys I would strongly suggest doing a charter if you have the means. It will be the best time of your life and you will remember it forever. If your planning on staying on the west side for the majority of the beaches will be super calm. The only fishing I've done over there was a couple of Grouper tourneys. For sure stop in Crystal River, some of the best freshwater snorkeling in that area. I'm not sure how the license situation is now, when I was there you only needed one for fishing from a boat. Get on a couple of local fishing forums and ask around about what species is hopping. But definitely try and book a charter in the Keys. I wish I was back that way fishing for real fish, I love Colorado but the fishing is not the same.