Fobus Holster Vehicle Mount


Just here...
Nope, not trying to draw you into a debate at all. Not my intention. Just curious as to why a holster was needed other than just exercising your rights. Thats all. Good luck on the project. I have a holster for my CZ but its probably of a different set of requirements for your particular application as I am looking to get into IDPA events. I cant remember off hand who made it but it might be a Fobus.


Nope, not trying to draw you into a debate at all. Not my intention. Just curious as to why a holster was needed other than just exercising your rights. Thats all. Good luck on the project. I have a holster for my CZ but its probably of a different set of requirements for your particular application as I am looking to get into IDPA events. I cant remember off hand who made it but it might be a Fobus.

Cool. I have just seen these type of threads deteriorate very quickly, into lengthy debates, and am not interested in that type of conversation. Much the same, I don't like to discuss religion or politics on internet forums. Many like to push their "agenda" on others and I am not of that mindset.

The Serpa paddle holster I have works great for IDPA events and I have been happy with it. It works far better than an IWB holster when having to constantly draw and re-holster. I typically only use that for open carry though (IDPA here only requires a cover up shirt so most just throw an untucked, unbuttoned shirt over a t-shirt to conceal for those purposes). I would like something mounted in my center console because having it on my person is a little more unfomfortable and pretty difficult to access when sitting and belted in, especially if I am carrying IWB.

As I mentioned, one of my reasons for carrying is for personal protection. If a situation were to arise where I needed to defend myself I don't want to be stuck fumbling for my weapon IWB or unzipping a padded case. I would also like something that is attached / mounted because the center console in my Bronco is basically a big box with a lid and I regularly carry other items / gear in there. I would prefer my weapon not be bouncing around and in that it is in the same place all the time. If I am unfortunate enough to need it I won't have to worry about where it is with all of the other stresses of the situation.

I will say that on or off road, in the city or in the back-country, situational awareness will often serve you far better than a firearm ever will.


We mounted a Fobus UVM to the Jeep Console, holds the firearm secure.



Expedition Leader
Just curious, do you have any pics you could share?

sure. basic galco holster,

take these two screws holding the paddle on out

drill two holes the same width in console. put screws in thru console wall.

excuse the messy console, wasnt gonna clean it out to snap a pic


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