If you can find one the intex mariner 4 has a pretty good following on FB. some good cheap easy mods. not fast but stows small and can put a small motor on it to get around. I found mine used for 60$.
That looks like a nice boat. It’s weird tho, the pics of it on their website seem to put the seats in backwards (pointy looking bow is the stern there?)!
Anyway, too bad that rig is 129”.
I mention this length thing as a caution to anyone considering making a play boat purchase and using their new portable boat in the western US.
In the last few summers, as we traveled through 15 of the western and mid-western states, we found time after time that users of boats over @10’ had to buy various “annual” permits to legally use those watercraft in state waters. There was no “just passing through for a day or two, short stay” cheaper fee structure either.
While the purpose of the fees certainly is laudable since they were being used to raise money to fight invasive aquatic species and weeds, after paying for these permits in numerous states, those extra costs really had added up (we had two boats).
So in short, if you can find a smaller boat that you’re happy with, you may be able to improve your travel budget a bit...at least out here in the formerly wild and free west.