Folding saw


Well-known member
Red handle. Now that I know wood exists - I’m looking…
Yep. Ordered and just received my Corona 8 inch blade, wood handled curved pruning saw. Got it from Amazon but the seller was some forestry suppliers or something.

I can say, the package did not have the corona name on it. It had no name on it, except on the stick-on bar code on the back, where it did say Corona. It also said Made In Taiwan. I prefer made in US but Canada, Mexico are at least on the continent, and when coming from off continent, I prefer friendly nations. Plus, Taiwan has been making lots of US's metal for decades. Bicycles in the 80's, even.

Next I'll try a Fenno, as at least the wood handle is made in US still. Though the blade may be made in Taiwan. Seems not much to be done about that.

But I digress...

I like the wood handle and wing nut of the wood Corona as it is just a simple design and harkens back to when I would bike and camp or car camp in the 80's, 90's and early 2000's. Yes, it does allow for a little slippage if you haven't tightened the wing nut enough, but when sawing with normal down pressure, the blade wont come back on you or anything. and you will immediately realize your error, tighten the nut, and move on.

The Corona wooden handle itself is sanded nicely with some sort of very mild finish, and fits the hand well enough, but, like any finished wood product, it is a bit more "slippy" in the hand than my composite (? Rubber?) handled Fiskars Pro. So maybe wear leather work gloves. Then again, the blade of the Corona wooden will dock quite nicely into the handle, while the blade of Fiskars has so much play when not locked, the blade can completely miss the channel in the handle unless closed carefully. The Fiskars does, however have a lock open and lock closed, as opposed to just a wing nut.

It was pouring cats and dogs yesterday so I didnt have a chance to saw. The Corona I got is about an 8 inch blade while my Fiskars has gotta be about 10 inches or so, so any comparison is going to be a little like Granny Smith to Red Delicious - sure, they're both apples, but different


Well-known member
Red handle. Now that I know wood exists - I’m looking…
Used to see the wood handled, wing nutted in any mom & pop hardware store, anytown USA. Maybe you still can in some but I couldn't find one at the big orange Home store, so ordered online. Try Forestry Suppliers online. They have Corona and Fenno wood or composite.


Well-known member
Thank you for this reply. Seriously.

The one thing I hate about this forum is how every little thing becomes about how much $ you can spend.

My Corona has cut hundreds of branches in Nebraska, Colorado and Alaska. No signs of slowing down. Hands down one of the best purchases I’ve made.

A 30” Silky, I’m sure is great, but I’m not Richard Proenneke, trying to carve out my place in the bush.

Side note, if you don’t know who Richard Proenneke is, google it. We don’t know hard or tough - Richard did.

Silky Saw pricing went stupid once Sherill Tree took over distrubution in NA. Before Sherill I could buy 650 blades for $80US now they are $225.

This is a good saw that I've cleared 24" trees (bring wedges) with. I'll bring it in the (after spring trail clearing) summer.


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