- Good cooler.
- Pre freeze entire cooler at grocery, meat processor, etc.
- Ice in heavy plastic juice bottles. Bigger ice=better. Doesn't get your food wet. Don't need to drain. Have an emergency stash of water. Reusable. Damn near free. Maybe dry ice pending what's in cooler.
- Never drain cooler.. volume goes out (water), volume goes in (ambient air).
- Make sure seal is tight (many aren't). Use NRS straps to facilitate a tight lid if need be. Elevation changes while driving will suck/push air into/from cooler.
- Freeze as much of food as possible.
- Keep cooler in shade. Put a sleeping bag over it. Wrap it in a space blanket foil side out.
- Pack smart, think ahead. Digging through the cooler like it's a home fridge is a no no. Grab what you need. Find bread, grab two pieces, put rest back in cooler asap.. not on camp table to heat up and then be put back.
Fridges are fine, but for a long deep trip where there will be no resupplies I'll take a well packed high end cooler any day. Dead simple. Nothing to break. No batteries to worry about.Cold beers.
Of course, there's always an emergency food 'plan b' right?