my setup
IMHO this foot pump is so so so much better than any thing on a sink where you have to touch the handle to get the water going
you save a ton of water cause you can regulate it easier I feel and when your hands are dirty you are not mucking up the handle on your sink then trying to clean that etc..
boating places have a really nice foot pump I want to update mine with it someday
used em in boats before and they work well
the clip and arm are photography you can get generic ones cheap enough works quite well I can clamp it to the table or the handle of the can like here or a tree branch for showers
I should make a fitting one day for the water can
but the tube just has a brass fitting on the end for weight and works quite well to get every bit
also note the head also has a clip again I can unclip it easier to wash body but clip in for dishes etc..
if I make a fitting I want to make something that goes just inside the screw on cap that I can just quick release in and out of and the tube down inside will stay in place
bulb was a large one off amazon works well enough do want to try the whale pump I linked to above for camping
the way the paid white water ones work with the plate could be a good idea to keep it sinking down in but I have yet to have a problem with it and feel this is easy quick to clean to put away I store the hose setup wrapped up into a bag
I want to replace the hose with some quality silicone also that lays nicer and when it gets really cold this stuff gets stiff so I might say look into that as a what I learned
black can in summer lay out gets hot