For exploration, not necessarily expedition


Hi all,

I've driven 4 wheel drives most of my life. Somehow they just fit my lifestyle better than a car (or uggghhh, minivan). The very first vehicle my dad had me drive, out on a back road of course, was his white '72 Blazer.

For the last 10 years I've been driving a '99 Trooper and it's been a good vehicle, but I've been thinking about going "Old School". I recently got the chance to purchase a 1st gen Blazer so I grabbed it. It has some rust issues and some panels that will need to be fixed at the body shop. Still, I think it's got good "bones" for the rebuild. I wanted one that hadn't been modified and torn up on the trails. This one is pretty well bone stock. Worn out, but stock.


One nice thing about these trucks is that you can purchase about every part that you can possibly need. Yeah they are mostly "repop" stuff, but they work well enough to put together a decent vehicle.

I know that I'm in wayyy over my head on this, but like everything else I'll just take my time, do the research, and get it done. I'm booked up through next weekend, so my project will start on the last weekend of the month. I'm really looking forward to getting it out in the desert and enjoying it...but that's a ways away.




Awesome purchase! That body style Blazer is one of my favorite vehicles of all time. I also nearly purchased one two weeks ago but the guy would not respond to my calls when it came to go and pick it up. Good luck with the restoration, that will be a very fun project.


Old Blazers are cool! Judging by your trailer I'm sure it will come out great. Build it up, paint it tan to match the trailer, and enjoy!


Old Blazers are cool! Judging by your trailer I'm sure it will come out great. Build it up, paint it tan to match the trailer, and enjoy!

1speed, the trailer looks orange to me, is my color messed up on my computer?


1speed, the trailer looks orange to me, is my color messed up on my computer?

I was talking about the "Desert Dawg", the camp trailer she built. I followed her build on another site before I started mine. She's got skills! :sombrero:


Ah, I see now, I missed that one. Nice trailer though, that would go perfect behind the Blazer. Tan with white steel wheels would be a very good look for the Blazer.


Looks like a fun project! Nice combo too, that trailer behind the Blazer.

Good luck, looking forward to progress pics!


Ford Prefect

Expedition Leader
I used to have a 72 K5 blazer. That was a really fun truck. Tons of power, it was the year before all the emissions crap got on there and ruined them.

Good luck with the build! I am sure it will be a nice desert roamer. Are you going to pop the top off, or just leave it on there?


Nice find there Joanne. Old Bowties rock! And your trailer is pretty sweet too, will go perfectly with the Blazer.


Hi all,

Thanks all for the encouragement! I'm assuming that this is going to be a long-term project, but one that will bring a lot of enjoyment. It's also neat to own a little bit of Americana that seems to be fading away so quickly.

No doubt I'll be posting up some photos once I get the project seriously under way later this month.



i just spent the last two hours reading your build then going back over to see what i missed...LADY you got skills, in my book the "dawg" just plain rocks,, you stated that you were not going to do the "show" circuit. well if you did i am positive that the crowds around the dawg would be as large as any other.........:wings:
as with most the first gen blazers are my favorite also,, so many possibilites enjoy look forward to this thread

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