what's that old advice for bear defense? You just need a 22. you shoot your buddy in the knee so you can run away!
I have never shot a charging animal, but I have shot a lot of competition with moving targets. I would imagine the same advise would hold true, that you should EDC or hike with something you are intimately familiar with and shoot well. If I train with a 9mm M&P, compete with it, EDC it, keep it next to the bed, it wouldn't really be helpful to have a 500 S&W single action on my hip in the woods. I should have the tool I"m the most familiar with. for that reason, when I carry in the woods it's something I'm up on, either the M&P mentioned or a 1911. I also keep an AR/AR pistol/and or Shotgun handy. 300BO and 12 gauge are better than any pistol could be.
full disclosure, I haven't been way off the beaten path in a while, but when I go I carry the best ammo for the job. So heavy hard cast for pistols, slugs/buck in the shotgun, and 300BO in the AR. I am not recoil sensitive and train with full power, so I"m happy with it.