Thank to shear a photos from a trip
So Roger, since your mind is still fresh from doing the White Rim Trail, do you see any problems pulling your Kamparoo thru the Trail?
Thank you. I appreciate that.Another wonderful trip report. You never fail to impress, thank you!
I think it would be a riot to bike it. Just coming down those switchbacks on Shaffer would let you know what you were in for.X2. I'll be there with the single speed too if something like that gets planned.
Phenomenal views!!!
I wish scenery like that were not so far away from us here in MI.
Good on you for getting out there in July. A less sweaty man than I you must be, sir. Jealous in my armchair here.
I got my permit for the middle of September. One night at Potato Bottom and one at Gooseberry. Fist time to the Moab area, cant wait!
If that's okay with the author, I am nominating this as the first contestant for the trip of the month report...
You have inspired me. I'm calling my Brother in law today.
If that's okay with the author, I am nominating this as the first contestant for the trip of the month report...