The rest sounds like a normal 20 year old engine - hoses, o-rings, fluid leaks, etc. Just crammed into the doghouse of a van is the big difference. Nothing you've listed seems to entail lifting the cab off of the frame, which is a huge plus. I'm of the type that if I got one of the valley leaks, I'd probably do most anything that was in there at the same time just to be done with it since it'd be pain to get in there. Not a big deal if it can be planned, and the leaks aren't catastrophic preventing use until then. I'll be googling the crank + cam PS's - used to carry one of those for the old 5 cyl Audis...
It all sounds about as expected - keep an eye on things and repair/replace as necessary and enjoy, with no major achilles heel that's always just around the corner (looking at you, 6.0). I was just getting a pinch of cold feet since this will be the most expensive vehicle I've purchased to date. However the more modern options all lack something - either less robust, no/limited 4x4 conversion options, more complex (esp modern diesels w/ DEF), or 6 figure price tags, so this is where I landed.
That's about right. It's no 6.0, no EGR cooler to $hit the bed, no 'too few' head studs, etc.
I'm doing the valley leak abatement on my 1995 7.3 right now, just as you describe, all of the fuel filter housing seals, fuel line seals, fuel lines, and a few other things at the same time.
Different than the truck, on the van you get valley access from inside the van, remove the up-pipes (prone to developing leaks, and robbing the turbo of required driving force) then remove the turbo (who's exhaust back pressure valve (EBPV) is prone to leaking oil into the valley), to gain access to the valley, filter housing, fuel lines, the HPOP.
With what I know now, at time of purchase, I'd remove the doghouse (check it for sealing, clamps, if it has gaps, inside the cab will be significantly louder) and do a 'dip stick' test into the valley, with a paint stir stick or something, to see if the valley is full of oil. and or fuel.
Good luck!