I have progressed a little more on the interior. I usually work on something till I get to a point where a critical decision needs to be made, then jump on something else for a while before which fork in the road to go down. I’m still stumped as to how to finish the shower right now. I just finished having my buddy do all the electrical connections for me after I ran all the wires and mounted the boxes. He’s been licensed for 30 years and teaches now. I didn’t hear any ranting or swearing while I left him alone so that means I must have done an adequate job. Hahaha.
I needed to get a load of firewood last weekend. Normally I would take the Transit to save on fuel, but since gas is cheap, I took Big Daddy instead. The guy says he’s 45 minutes away so that’s cool. Then he sends me his pin. 80 minutes away... at this point I should have bailed. So I’m driving and driving. Asphalt runs out... onto gravel. Finally after 30 minutes of gravel.... I get cell service again and call the guy. The pin was wrong and I’m 30 minutes past his house. At this point I should have bailed. He gives me physical directions this time and we turn around and head back down the gravel for 30 minutes. He says” btw, it’s a little muddy at the gate”. I get to the gate and it’s 150’ long of solid muck with 12” deep ruts. He says”it’s frozen solid underneath”. At this point I should have bailed.
So I put it i 4 low and proceed to head through the mud. About 20 feet in I realize that it might be frozen underneath but not 12”. Maybe 18”. So I stomp the gas and mud is flying everywhere. We make it back to dry land going about .5 mph through to a clearing. At this point I should have bailed. then down a half mile long trail with branches scraping both sides of the RV to the next clearing.... with a mud hole twice as long... this is the point I actually bailed. I managed to turn everything around, but not before I snagged a stump with the foot of my dump trailer and bending it back 45 degrees. Back down the scratchy trail to the first mud hole, which now has a steep drop in from my spinning front wheels and ruts about 18” deep. I hit the mud at about 15 mph. It was like the old mud bog days in the F350, big block, and 42” swampers. Mud flying everywhere. I get about 75% of the way through and that it. Friggin buried. And it starts pouring to boot. Luckily the rain shut down what the bushmen were doing and they were coming out driving a skidder. They hitched up to my strap and gently pulled me out. I drove the next 20 minutes or so in the rain before we stopped to get fuel. It washed a lot of the mud off, but it still cost me $20 at the truck wash to get the underside clean. Also... I forgot to refasten 1 cabinet after the electrician was done which went flying and flung the contents of the drawers all over the living space