Part 2: Tools & Spares
I reinstalled the storage box in the Escape. I grabbed a few of the larger items to load up, then do a test retrieve. I started with the 12v air compressor and the large can of Inflate-o-Tire. I quickly ran into a problem of geometry.
While the holes/openings were sufficiently sized, the vertical supports between holes were too tall and left insufficient clearance between the bottom of the support and the floor. Ingress was difficult. Egress was a complete pain in the buttocks. The angles just weren’t there. What should I do?
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Sensei: Do you have a problem with that???!!!
fugitive: Actually I do, Sensei. While I love that move (second only to the Crane Technique), it’s not the answer to all problems.
I needed the supports to be shorter, but wanted to maintain the overall strength of the box, with respect to loads placed on top. After a brief brainstorm, I chose to pilfer a simple idea from the clever Etruscans… The “arch”. (also pilfered by the crafty Greeks).
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I used blue masking tape to provide cut lines. I started with a Dremel cutoff wheel. Well, it was more like melting my way through, rather than cutting or grinding. This left a very melty, ragged, harsh edge. I don’t want to tear up my hand, nor shred any protective packaging stored below. More work was needed.
Next up, dremel barrel sander. This took out all the large nasties, but still left a very abrasive edge. I finished up with hand sanding. It took hours longer than estimated, but will it work?
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The box was once again bolted back in the Escape. Time for a test fit. I again began with the 12v air compressor and Inflate-o-Tire. Both went in and were retrieved with ease. The mod also allowed me greater flexibility in final placement of the items. I loaded up my initial load of tools and spares and had plenty of room for more. It was well worth the effort to grind the arches for a much better outcome.
Tools/Spares Inventory:
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Scissor Jack, small OEM lug wrench.
Tool Bag-Socket set, screw drivers, pliers.
Safety Vest, Safety Flag
Utility Light
Work Gloves, Mechanic Gloves
Tire Plug Kit
Reflective Safety Triangle
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Post Mod:
12V Air Compressor
Volt/Ohm Meter, Spare fuses, conductive grease. WD-40.
Epoxy putty, glues, 3-in-1 oil, free creams and lotions. But my life is good. Reeeeally good!
Hose clamps, bailing wire.
Electrical wire. Asst connectors, crimp tool.
Electrical tape, Teflon tape, silicon tape.
Serpentine belt.
Lithium Jump Start battery & cables.
Spare lug nuts, spare roof rack bolts
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Still have room for and will add- (Not pictured)
Upper and lower radiator hoses
Generic engine hose. Spare fuel line, Fuel filter.
Vacuum hose and connectors.
Ground Tarps, Disposable cover-alls.
Large lug wrench., breaker bar.
1qt Engine Oil, 1qt Transmission fluid.
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I am pretty pleased with both the functionality and stealth of this simple mod.
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fugitive: Hey, Mr. Miyagee, what do you think of my mod?
Mr. Miyagi: It's Miyagi.
fugitive: My faux pas. So... What about the mod, Miyagi?
Mr. Miyagi: Wax on... Wax off. Wax on... Wax off.
fugitive: Uhhh, I’m not following you man.
Mr. Myagi: Walk left, safe. Walk right, safe. Walk in the middle, you get squished like a grape.
fugitive: Leave the fly alone brah. Tell me what you think of my mod?
Miyagi: Don't know. First time you, first time me.
fugitive: Well, I figured you knew about this stuff. I figured you’ve done these before. Oh great, I'm dead. I am dead. You told me you modded a lot.
Miyagi: For life, not for build threads.
fugitive: Never mind. I was just askin’ for a friend.
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