I love the 7.3. I've had a few, driven a dozen or so, never had a bad experience. I've fixed or replaced glow plug relays and harnesses, fuel return lines, injector pumps and water separators but other than those cheap and easy parts, they've been trouble free with regard to diesel specifics. Water pumps, alternators, etc are the same labor-wise so nothing worrisome. I've driven and wrenched on 460s too and they're more maintenance intensive. IDI and 460 part prices are comparable if you balance ignition vs injection costs but the EFI 460 adds about $150-200 of sensors. The IDI only needs 1 wire to run.
My two best longterm apples to apples examples:
My dads crewcab dually (personal vehicle, not the one previously mentioned) owned 19 years, 200k miles, and I did 98% of the work on it. 1 clutch @ 190k, 1 injection pump @ 175k, glow plugs 4 times @60k 1st time then 50k each set preventatively, fuel injector return lines about every 3 years, few serpentine belts and tensioners, a starter, and 6 sets of batteries (every 3 years, preventative). That is all the underhood maintenance it ever got or needed besides filters and fluids. It moved a 5th wheel camper across the US for 2 weeks every summer, hauled hay and farm equipment, dozers, backhoes, boats, firewood, sod, etc but was not driven empty often AT ALL and was what my brother and I learned to drive in. Never a daily driver. Life average according to every fillup it ever got, 15mpg. Could do 20 empty if driven at 1900 rpm, zf5, 4:10 gears, 215/86-16s. It never failed us and never made me scratch my head or cuss. Just a good honest truck. I think it topped out at 90mph empty btw but would pull 10k at 75mph on the cruise control with the air on all damn day. Paid $23k in 93, sold for $5k in 2012 with 200k to a good friend. Still running strong pulling hay and horses.
Buddies 460 race car hauler, extended cab (split windows ******) dually, owned 14 years, 150k miles, I do all his work. Complete ignition replacement every 3 years or more often as needed (spark plugs, wires, coil, cap, etc), exhaust gaskets 3 times (stock manifolds, not headers. The 460 exhaust gets HOT towing), fuel pumps 3 times in tank and twice on the frame rail, 3 starters (due to hot exhaust I think), rear main seal once (leaker), fuel injectors twice now (leakers and mpg loss indicative of bad spray pattern or some such), 2 clutches, map sensors twice I think, same with tps, 02 sensors every 50k, battery every year I bet (leaves stuff on at the track a lot and never charges or drives it in the off season), battery cables at least 3 times, I went with him to get it new and saw it NOT hooked to his race trailer maybe 2 dozen times in all 14 years. If it's running, it's pulling 16k lbs. Life average according to his math and my experience, 4.5 mpg. Zf5, 4:10s, 235/85-16s.
They're both good working motors and the 7.5 was a lot cheaper new but in the used market I'd only buy a 7.5 if it was exceptionally clean or low miles and in a rig I really wanted.
EDIT: not applicable to AT but in full disclosure...
Every zf5 rig I've touched has needed the plastic(?!) clutch rods replaced due to breakage eventually. Dads old dually went through maybe 4, once immediately after driving Pikes Peak! I started replacing the slave and masters as a set cuz if one goes, the other is gonna go soon and you can prebleed them real easy this way. These failures require clutchless shifting and starting in gear (not cool at 15k gross!) but are the closest I've ever come to being stranded in the Fords.