Ford Warning.


Expedition Leader
As I was headed out last night I heard something hit the ground. The plastic on the Ford key separated and dropped the key off of the ring. The plastic stayed on the key ring but the key could have been lost. I drilled the hole you see last night to put the key back onto the key ring. I always thought that the key was metal under that plastic but it's not. Check your keys for cracks in the plastic before it gets lost and if you have any other tidbits or warnings about Ford vans driven to remote places I like to hear them.


This is the hole that was drilled by me.

I'm miles from a road today. I'm glad the key fell apart in my yard instead of out here somewhere. Check those keys.

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Expedition Leader
All the locksmiths I know recomend getting a key cut from your best/most original key and then using the copy and setting aside the original. This way, you'll always have a good key to work from.

The Ilco key I'm using is solid brass. I've also been using a locking climbing carabeener to make sure the keys don't get lost.


Expedition Leader
All the locksmiths I know recomend getting a key cut from your best/most original key and then using the copy and setting aside the original. This way, you'll always have a good key to work from.

The Ilco key I'm using is solid brass. I've also been using a locking climbing carabeener to make sure the keys don't get lost.
That's good advise. My van came with one key at 52000 miles. It was already too worn to make a good copy. I've tries a few times but the keys just won't work right. The spare I carry must be jiggled and wiggled for up to 10 minutes to get it to work. Theses keys are soft and wear out fast.


We had a TBird that came with only one key (should have had ignition and trunk as 2) and the Ford dealer was able to cut new ones from the VIN. It's been several years but I recall cost being only marginally higher than the quick copy from the hardware store type.


Expedition Leader
FYI, locksmiths can cut an exact duplicate of your key from a number code. The one problem is Ford purges the Codes from their system after 10 years... So they can't look up my Key by Vin. In some cases, the dealer that sold the vehicle originally may have paperwork for the vehicle which has the key code on it.

I tried to get a key cut through Ford, and the best option they had was to get replacement locks for $500+ (Parts only). I got lucky, and the latest key I had cut works nearly perfectly... Better than the key it was a copy of.

Unfortunately, tracing the dealer which sold my truck to Crestline would be almost impossible.
Just an fyi if you do lose a normal key like yours a good locksmith can cut you a key by indent made on key plate by putting in lock and taking out so on and so forth till made. It's long and tedious process but works. Obviously wont work with new keys.


Expedition Leader
That's interesting. Never seen that happen. I'm more worried about the plastic remote for my alarm falling off somewhere. If I lose that I am toast.


Thanks for the heads up!

I just installed keyless entry into my 99 van. Works great and I like the switchblade key :)



Desert Dan

Thanks for the heads up. Time for a new key. Maybe I can get an all metal key?

I had a similar thing happen on an old Toyota key.

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