I am not convinced of snorkels as a dust reduction strategy either. There are two factors that to me would suggest that a snorkel may actually be worse for reducing dust:
1. "Fugitive Dust", which is the technical term for mechanically produced dust from a road source, doesn't actually decrease significantly between say 1m and 3m above the road surface. In fact there is even some evidence to suggest that at ~30 - 40m from the source there would be a greater mass of dust at 3m compared to 1m. Here is a figure from some actual measurements of dust as a function of height above surface:
From: Cuscino, Thomas A., Robert Jennings Heinsohn, and Jr Clotworthy Jr. "Fugitive dust from vehicles traveling on unpaved roads." (1977).
Based on these measurements, raising your inlet from 1 - 3 meters is not going to get you above the maximum dust mass loading, however gravitational settling may increase the fraction of finer dust which is harder to filter.
2. A forward facing snorkel will actually increase the amount of dust your intake is ingesting relative to the ambient dust concentrations. This effect is called 'anisokinetic sampling' and is something we commonly use when sampling cloud particles (very similar to dust) from aircraft. The principle is that if you are driving fairy quickly, your car is moving faster than the air going into your inlet (as an aside I have heard it claimed that this 'ram air' effect actually increases HP!). In this scenario, much of the air that is hitting your snorkel actually has to go around the snorkel as velocity of air entering your snorkel is lower than the velocity of the vehicle (the middle figure below). The dust particles have far more momentum than the air, so the dust that was contained the air that went around your snorkel ends up going into your snorkel. Depending on the relative velocities, you can easily get a factor of 2 or more in dust enhancement.
From a dust perspective you would do mush better to have your intake a meter or so above the road, and protected from the air stream - like inside a fender :ylsmoke:
Of course none of this applies to using a snorkel for water crossings, or to look awesome.