Found a nice '85 FJ60 - few questions

Hi all, few questions:

can I fit rear facing child seats in one of these?

its pretty clean, 100K all original, no rust

pretty high price but the color i want,


so what am I looking at as far as replacing things off the bat?

what are my long term goals for a daily driver and options for decent mpg's with engine swap?

many thanks!


Expedition Leader
Hey Zoo,

I researched these when I was looking. The 60's are all 5 sp (the FJ62 is the A/T one) and many consider these the last "real" LC.

The main issues are rust in the lower body, frame and be sure to check the channels around the windows closely as rust can hide there. The drivetrain is robust but underpowered, do or have a compression check on all cylinders and check the fluids closely for any signs of metal. If the seller is asking a premium they should not object to having it checked closely. Other than being slow they ride like a solid axle, leaf sprung trucks rides-kind of rough.

I'm sure you've checked out Ih8tmud for more info, but overall it's a tough, well executed platform with plenty of aftermarket support and a good combination of thrid world tough and modern.

We're going to need pics of course...

I went with the Land Rover because it was a great deal and was the best truck I looked at when I was buying. I could not find a nice 60 the wasn't crazy expensive or beat to heck but they are out there.


Hey Zoo,

I researched these when I was looking. The 60's are all 5 sp (the FJ62 is the A/T one) and many consider these the last "real" LC.

With the exception of this quote you are pretty spot on. The FJ60's came with a 4 speed. The 5 speed manual transmission(H55) is a wonderful upgrade. It really helps, especially on the highway.

I would find out who put in the 5 speed and who maintained the vehicle. I would ask for service records and/or maintanance records from the vehicle.



Expedition Leader
My bad, I was thinking manual vs auto. Yep the H55 is an upgrade and not a cheap one.

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