I asked the seller for pics and the were not very flattering but I went for the sale anyway since I was having such a hard time finding one at a decent price. I'd found some others in PA that were twice as much as this one and in worse condition, I know, that would appear to be hard to believe. But, its true, I can post the pics from the seller in PA. This just goes to prove that seeing in person is very valuable. I'm not saying that I have any regrets, I "only" paid $300 for the trailer as it sits. I just hope there is something left after I get it sandblasted next week.
The owner claims that its actually an M614 trailer. He makes this claim due to the loops on both sides, front and rear which he said were used to pick up the trailer and transport via helicopter. It does have the original placard that I have to try and clean up in order to see of I can verify this. From my reading, it will still have the M416 serial number but have the 614 listed as part of the model number. Not that any of that REALLY matters anyway.
I'm not saying there is any rust, I'll let the pictures tell the tale. Bottom line is that it will give me a great deal of experience in fabrication skills and techniques by the time I have the project complete. At least, I'll have an empty canvas to work with, lets just see if I'm a good enough artist to make something of this lump of clay.
Enough BS, here is the ugly truth (all the pics can be seen on my
Photobucket site)...