Has anyone found/used "spiral" stakes similar to dog tie-outs?
I would imagine it would work well in sand.
Like these ?
Has anyone found/used "spiral" stakes similar to dog tie-outs?
I would imagine it would work well in sand.
Also at Home Depot:
View attachment 408673
These are steel and cost about $2.00. I bring a 4 pound mini sledge hammer. They come is long lengths if needed. NEVER break and can be driven into anything softer than granite. I paint the top several inches white for visibility at night. Don't want to kick one of these in the dark when walking around camp. I have also had great success with rebar with the end cut off at an angle so it is sharp enough to drive into hard dirt.
Just another option.
Bought some US Army surplus aluminum stakes at the local Army Navy store for $1.49 each. I have some of those big plastic stakes I bought at Harbor Freight which work ok in soft ground but break pretty easily.
Large branch a foot or more long cut sharp at one end and notch at the other cost free and if left behind will decompose.
I find any of the plastic ones will brake in short order and are a waste of $ if you just have to pay/spend your money go for the metal pegs over plastic....