Fred the Van. The More We Explore's Adventure Van Build Thread


You should consider getting a backup camera system for fred when hooking up the trailer (well for any backing up for that matter). I was always a "meh I don't need a backup camera" kinda guy because I used valet back in college and backed up a lot of cars into tight spaces... then one day I bought a truck with one. Holy crap! makes hooking up a trailer a solo job. Usually I can line it up on the first try. I back my big honking tundra in pretty much any time I park and the backup camera makes parking super easy.

They have backup camera systems for super cheap these days.

But I guess that's an excuse to use the radios right ;-)

BTW I started following you guys on youtube a couple months ago, Had no idea you were in EP until I heard you mention it in a video. :cool: Love your videos! I plan on buying an Airstream in the next few years. I need to flip a few more houses to generate some more cash money before I can convince my wife to let me buy one :agree:
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Yeah, we'll get one eventually. We're a little burnt out from projects at the moment, and our finances are drained after solar for the airstrem, lithium batteries, a new fridge for the van, the high top, and the installation of the high top. We're beat... but we'll get one. We've had them in the past, and they make hooking up a trailer TONS easier.


Yeah, we'll get one eventually. We're a little burnt out from projects at the moment, and our finances are drained after solar for the airstrem, lithium batteries, a new fridge for the van, the high top, and the installation of the high top. We're beat... but we'll get one. We've had them in the past, and they make hooking up a trailer TONS easier.

I can totally understand. Gotta space those purchases out to recover the bank account and let your busted knuckles heal. I just dropped $1300 on a set of white knuckle sliders :yikes: for my Tundra as a Christmas present to myself (but I'll let my wife take the credit). I won't be making anymore big ticket purchases for a few months.


please make that 100%. Bedliner on the outside of a vehicle NEVER looks good, holds dirt, and fades quickly

I like the top white....painting it body color would be way too much green.

Just to offer a counter opinion lots of folks have had success using a bedliner on a penthouse top.

It especially makes sense to me with a fiberglass roof that you walk on to get stuff out of a rack etc. It's good for filling in cracks in the gel coat and a bedliner type material provides a roughened surface that is not as slippery.
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I like the top white....painting it body color would be way too much green.

To me, white looks unfinished. Like somebody just tossed it on and said "good enough!" Body color is fine, or even something contrasting. (Leaving it white even on a white van looks bad since it likely won't be the same white.)


if you still had the logos on the side of the van it would actually look like it was supposed to be white...


^ agreed with the unfinished look.

Any thoughts of doing some colour up the side like mountains, like your old graphics without "the more we explore" on it? Would be cheaper than painting the whole thing, and still make the top look more integrated into the van.


We prefer the more stealthy look at the moment.

I got a quote at Maaco for $1000 for the top to be painted. That's with a base and then a clearcoat. Im considering it.


Not many paint shops want to paint a "normal" van, let alone a 4wd with a high top. Logistically the juice isn't worth the squeeze for them. Vans looking good, keep it up!

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