Fred the Van. The More We Explore's Adventure Van Build Thread


I did not know there was another one in the autumn. Wasn't there one in Moab back in the Spring? I am pretty sure that is how I found out about the one in Crested Butte. I will take some pictures for you :D

We are expecting great weather, lots of people and beautiful scenery. It sure would be nice to have a van set up for mountain biking, lol.


we're loving the van for the bikes. Got your eye on any bikes in particular?

They have 2 in Moab every year - one in the spring and one in the fall. We won't be near Crested butte next week... we will be picking up another airstream


Nothing in particular, but I am open to suggestions for that terrain. I have ridden DH in Park City and Deer Valley, but that is about it for me. Most everything I ride is cross country, living in the SE, I rented a 5010 a while back and I am sorry to say that I hated it. Coming from a 26" XC bike (alloy hardtail) everything felt wrong to me, height, 29" tires, cramped cockpit, wide bars, dropper post, rear light = nose wheelie, etc., The bike was rented from and setup by a reputable shop with my riding profile, measurements, etc.

The part that I loved = jump or plow everything, super plush. The 1 x 11 was ok, but I am spoiled to have 24 gears and do not believe that the weight difference really matters. I have run 8 speed triples in XT and XTR for 22 years and never had any majour troubles. If it ain't broke don't fix it.


EDIT: In the video above, you note that terrain is the toughest Fred has been on and some of it seems quite tight. I realise that Fred is not a Tacoma or a JK, but how do you fee like he did compared to other off road trucks you have owned? I guess I would be mostly concerned about the high roof from an overall height standpoint, but also the tall sides of the van body compared to something like a Tacoma. It would not take much to lean the van into a tree or catch an overhanging rock on some of those narrow mountain passes.
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I rented a 5010 a while back and I am sorry to say that I hated it. Coming from a 26" XC bike (alloy hardtail) everything felt wrong to me, height, 29" tires, cramped cockpit...

If it had 29" wheels then it wasn't a 5010. Maybe a tallboy? You're going to find those same feelings with just about every bike at outerbike. Short rear ends, dropper posts, wide bars, slacker head angles. It sounds like you'll probably prefer either an XC setup, or an older bike with steeper geometry.


I stand corrected sir, the 5010 is a 27.5 setup. It was only a half day rental. We rode about 12 miles and I am sure more time in the saddle would make me more comfortable, but everything just felt really weird. (end of hijack, back to Fred).


Great video, Steve!

VERY motivational to get back to work on my rig. Once this Florida summer lets up a bit, that is.



Expedition Leader
steve have you had any nibbles on the air-stream yet? im subd to your youtube channel. my little girl loves you biking videos. i just sit drool over fred and laugh at fender.


A few nibbles, but its still for sale. Thanks for subscribing!

My wife is launching her YouTube channel for girl mountain bikers in a week. Make sure your daughter subscribes to it, I'll bet she will enjoy it.

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