This thing came with the property I just bought
See link below
It has a bunch of stuff in it that could be used for a trailer build or a camper.
If you have more skills than I, you might could even get it back into usable condition. Anyway, I don't know If anyone here would be interested, but I would feel bad If I was sittin' around a campfire with one of you some time in the future and the subject came up and you were all "dude! why didn't you post it here cause I would have been all over it" so here is your chance. If nothing ells it's kind of a cool old bit of history.
See link below
It has a bunch of stuff in it that could be used for a trailer build or a camper.
If you have more skills than I, you might could even get it back into usable condition. Anyway, I don't know If anyone here would be interested, but I would feel bad If I was sittin' around a campfire with one of you some time in the future and the subject came up and you were all "dude! why didn't you post it here cause I would have been all over it" so here is your chance. If nothing ells it's kind of a cool old bit of history.

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