Great discussion ... newbie here, but I thought I'd chime in.
As someone just starting planning (4wd truck camper, retiring soon), a couple of obvious things that could be done is controlling weight, allowing for a lighter vehicle and/or smaller diesel to be used. I've been researching making my bull-bar out of Carbon Fiber and doing it myself. It would be about 1/5th the weight of a standard bull-bar with the same strength. Roof racks are another really good example of an area you could save weight while adding strength. Check out this link for a concept car from suzuki (called the "Basecamp").
The light rack is carbon fiber which doubles as a bike carrier (in this case). The cases in the back come from the aircraft industry and appear to be carbon fiber honeycomb with a thin metal sheath for appearance only. Collectively the cabinets in the back (pretty, but not real functional) plus the roof rack can't weight much over 30 pounds.
The auto industry could probably end up using about 300 pounds of carbon fiber composites per vehicle they make, eliminating steel at a total reduction of about 1200 pounds per car (more on a pickup). It would be nice to have a jeep that 4 people could pick up if necessary.
Replace about half the metals in a car or truck and you would reduce it's weight by about 60 percent and fuel consumption by 30 percent BEFORE you went diesel. You'd get the emissions benefit too.
For strength, You could add a layer (maybe two) of kevlar in the build-up of a truck camper. Imagine a carbon fiber honeycomb with single layer kevlar wrap and a single layer of fiberglass over that (get rid of the Ultra-violet issues). Super lightweight ... strong a steel.
Unfortunately, expensive as sin too. But when Carbon Fiber first came it, it cost about $10,000,000.00 a pound to manufacture. It's down to about $8.00 a pound. Get it down to $2-3.00/pound and we could be dealing. Then the raw material cost of a decent bull-bar, made out of Carbon Fiber would be about $450.00 ... right now, it's probably over $1500.00
Throw in labor and engineering, molds, etc and it won't be available next month unless you want to make your own.
As for Bio-diesel, I can't get excited about using food sources for fuel. Algae is one of the best bets, since it can be raised in a closed system and built in a desert.
Toshiba is coming out with a "super-cell" battery ... or really a super charge Ion Battery, which is supposed to be able to recharge to 90% if capacity in about 5 minutes. These things are housed in a 4.2 ampere-hour (Ah) cell.
Once they get this technology worked out, an electric vehicle that is manufactured out of carbon fiber recharged via an on-board bio-diesel generator on a fuel made from Algae .... Of course 4WD (or 6, 8, 10). The basics aren't that far off. It is all do-able right now, it just costs too much. Nothing impacts costs like volume. Increase the volume, lower the cost.