I set it up in the garage a couple of days ago. Didn't go over it with a fine tooth comb yet but everything looks great so far. Easy to set up and love the head room. No solid zip up panels and, unfortunately, no rainfly. I might contact the company and see if they make a fly or know of one that may fit. I wonder if a fly from their Freestander tents might work and if they sell it seperately? If it does then I could attach some fabric to the fly to help cover the screen panels for various conditions. I'm also thinking of getting a box store tarp and attach velco to that and the bottom edge of screenhouse to be attached as needed (help assure my wife and others that creepies can't crawl in). I think it may be great for the use you mentioned. If I got one of their Freestander tents I could use it for a front entry room/vestibule. May be a little gap but I bet they would butt together pretty nicely.
So, for $99, I think I got a good deal and can spend a little more to glame it up. I'll try to get it set up outside soon to post a few pics and check on any visible flaws. A little wet weather this week.