
colorado matt

correct on the inverter.... i originally added the inverter for the lithium setup because i read that putting a heavy load on the battery would warm it up if temp got to low....for sure not needed with the gc2 battery setup..... but i allready have it and i think it will go in the scout... for the occasional drill or grinder needs when on the job....

as for downsizing everything i appreciate the input... i am definitely out of my wheelhouse and not afraid to admit that i need guidance ....thank you ...Matt


Well-known member
correct on the inverter.... i originally added the inverter for the lithium setup because i read that putting a heavy load on the battery would warm it up if temp got to low....for sure not needed with the gc2 battery setup..... but i allready have it and i think it will go in the scout... for the occasional drill or grinder needs when on the job....

I have a power pack I built with an inverter in it. It comes in handy for my needs. I have a full set of cordless tools but no battery powered vacuum or dremel tool. The inverter comes in handy for those times I need those tools.

colorado matt

ok as promised an update

Drove 350 miles round trip to kremmling from waverly...and picked up a blue grey arb 63 quart jewel...for a song...and some tie downs ...very happy

and talking to family member, that it had been too long....he is involved with a company in phoenix that is making solar refrigerated boxes.... now what this has done is prompted a meet half way in moab for a weekend visit...kind of half way for us both.... he will give me some specs on monday(watts and amp hours) but has offered to bring whatever my needs are ... battery or batteries...he says they are the latest and greatest.... flexible solar panels that i think could be stored in the tent..... and they use a morningstar company mppt controller...called a i think....will know more on monday.... so now that battery and solarsetup can be had for gas and a hotel room.... what say the braintrust ...thanks...Matt


I say I am in Phoenix too and am curious about what your friend is up to. Please keep us informed. I say you should go for it. If it doesn’t work out for you you’re not out much and you’ll learn a lot.

colorado matt

going with gc2 batteries ..... victon smart controller 100/20 ...and 200 watts renogy suitcase panels .....

will the fridge power come from the battery or the dc output of the controller ?

p.s. if battery is the answer what would dc output from controller be used for ?


go with the battery, the controller has an overvoltage shutoff, when this shutsoff the dc aux out it requires manual turn on. The battery gives you uninterrupted dc power which the fridge requires. It shutsoff when you have sunny days and a cloud blocks the sun, as soon as the cloud clears the sun you get sudden voltage increase "edge of cloud" condition. On my controller this sudden voltage increase always disconnected the dc aux out.
I dont use the dc aux output of controller for anything. I use to use it on fans but it was always going off. But you can also use the dc aux out to charge a second battery.

colorado matt

thanks.... another question ....... its like 18 inches of wiring from battery to fridge.... will the arb wiring kit be sufficient size wire to power fridge from battery or is bigger better ..... arb 63qt fridge/freezer with fitted cover.... and fridge is in the cargo box part of the trailer .... how much venting does it require .... box will be sealed quite well otherwise .... Matt ...... thanks


thanks.... another question ....... its like 18 inches of wiring from battery to fridge.... will the arb wiring kit be sufficient size wire to power fridge from battery or is bigger better ..... arb 63qt fridge/freezer with fitted cover.... and fridge is in the cargo box part of the trailer .... how much venting does it require .... box will be sealed quite well otherwise .... Matt ...... thanks

ARB wiring is fine. No idea on venting requirements, my fridge lives in the back of my SUV. I guess when the doors are closed and windows are up, engine off, its not vented. Gets hot here in the summer, but not Phoenix hot.


thanks.... another question ....... its like 18 inches of wiring from battery to fridge.... will the arb wiring kit be sufficient size wire to power fridge from battery or is bigger better ..... arb 63qt fridge/freezer with fitted cover.... and fridge is in the cargo box part of the trailer .... how much venting does it require .... box will be sealed quite well otherwise .... Matt ...... thanks

Arb kit is a pretty expensive way to cover 18”, although it gets you the fuse holder. I think you could do much better with bigger wire from a hardware store for much less $$.


Well-known member
thanks.... another question ....... its like 18 inches of wiring from battery to fridge.... will the arb wiring kit be sufficient size wire to power fridge from battery or is bigger better ..... arb 63qt fridge/freezer with fitted cover.... and fridge is in the cargo box part of the trailer .... how much venting does it require .... box will be sealed quite well otherwise .... Matt ...... thanks
I don't know what "minimum" venting requirements ARB might specify but you'll want to give it as much air flow as possible. My Dometic is also mounted in a "cargo box" on my trailer - a black aluminum box. The unit has plenty of space around it but the inside of the box gets seriously hot in desert conditions. If the ARB unit is anything like my Dometic then performance will really start to degrade in ambient temps above 105F or so. The inside of a cargo box can easily get to those temps when it's only 80 or so outside with the sun laying on the box. In full sun conditions I always try to orient my camper with the fridge box to the east so that it doesn't bake under the afternoon sun. I also keep the box door open any time that that won't put the fridge in the direct sun. Keeping it as cool as possible will minimize your power draw.

colorado matt

ok ... got my 2 gc2 batteries .... need help with distribution .... fridge....actuator switch ...and pump for on demand hot water .... maybe some type of camp lighting under the awning or in the tent at some point .... the simpler the better ..... also renogy 200 watts of solar thru a victron smart 100/20 controller and should shore power charging something be installed also

i have not yet got my tongue box....should i go with a tray for batteries inside box or battery box inside my tongue box
should i use some type of distribution block ..or hook everything to battery
where do switches go and do i need switches to power on things as needed

need help understanding best way to wire everything up...thanks...Matt

colorado matt

ok picked up a tongue box and got some battery trays that will get fastened to box and hold down batteries.... understanding better after doing some research how things get connected... but cant find how switches and a bus bar work together .... is it either or?? forgoe the bus bar and just run thru some switches? or go from battery to bus bar/distribution block then thru the switches ?? that seems best but having only 4 or 5 things getting powered trying not create a nest of wires if i dont have to ...and would charge controller for solar go to distribution blck connecions from battery or straight to the battery? ... i have 1/4 inch lugs cominb off of battery
thanks ..Matt

what gauge wiring should i pick up ...buiding a shopping list

looking at something like i on the right track
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Well-known member
You will want something like this for power distribution, connected to the battery through something like this. Switching can be handled wherever it is convenient coming from the fuse block.

The solar controller can be connected either directly to the battery or to the input lug of the circuit breaker (which will be connected to the battery anyway).

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