New member
Wondering if anyone ever sorted out this table with the pioneer system?
Depending on what accessories your looking at some of them "bolt on" easier than others. We do a lot of Front Runner & Rhino Racks in the shop and thus we often end up modifying accessories from FRO to fit on the Rhino Racks. The problem with a lot of the cross-compatibility is that all FRO racks have slats that run perpendicular with the vehicle, while Rhino Rack runs parallel so the spacing doesn't work out. Also, if its an accessory from FRO that is meant to mount on the perimeter of the rack it will not be compatible with the Rhino Rack.
If you'll let me know what accessories your considering I might be able to offer a little more help and insight.
Exploration Outfitters
Taz, would you be able to compile a list of parts that are interchangeable between the two platforms? Bonus points for notes on which ones will fit with a bit of modification, and those that will NEVER work... I'm happy to compile part lists or something to help you in your journey, lemme know what you need! Would be an awesome pinned post for the community!
Did you make any headway on the list, prasta?I reached out to Rhino for an excel-formatted parts list, and will do the same for FRO, maybe we can crowdsource this thing, and turn it into a helpful reference doc.