Hi, I installed a used one on my 2000 LX early this summer. Fortunately for me, the previous owner of the rack had it all assembled and all we (he helped) was remove the OEM rack and install the FR - which consisted of mounting the feet and then attaching the already assembled rack.
In speaking with the previous owner, the assembly is pretty tedious (lots of little bolts in small places) but straightforward. I think he said it took at least 4 hours and mounting the rack is a two person job.
My observations of the rack to date:
- it came with metal fairings but would have totally blocked the sunroof, so the previous owner sold me his sunroof plastic bubble thing that breaks up the wind pretty good (7 or 8 on a scale of 1 to 10)
- it lacks railings like the Hannibal or AO, however you seem to like this due to the FR's reduced height - however, I think these other racks can remove the railings so they have the best of both, but I think the their price is significantly higher than the FR (campinglabs has the best FR price, I think)
- I have added a number of accessories to my rack: spare tire holder (haven't used yet); ax and shovel mounts; dual jerry can holder; tie downs; and front light brackets.
- I too want to add an awning, and again think I am going to go with campinglabs awning given
Overland Journal's review.
Here are a few pics...