A few random camp items for sale. Need to clear out my garage of stuff I don't use anymore. All items located in Boise for pick up as well.
- Nemo Helio shower - Lightly used. SOLD.
- ARB Cargo organizer - New. These are the small size and good for organizing your drawer system. I have two of them. Both for SOLD.
- Ironman4x4 Awning Xtra - New. This is a nifty little side wall room that adds a rear wall and extra side coverage. Fits a 2M awning. It attaches to awnings using the c-channel. I don't think they make this anymore. $60 shipped.
- Kelty Noah's Tarp 12x12 - New. $40 shipped.
- Kariba shower pump - got this from Equipt and used it maybe once or twice. I think they're made in South Africa. This is just a shower pump and head kit that hooks into a 12V socket. TBH you can probably get the same thing on Amazon for not much more. $20 shipped.
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