Fuel Mileage..


My suburban has a 40 gallon tank. If I use a conservative value of 15 mpg (I know I can get better than that), that gives me a range of at least 600 miles.


The Devil Made Me
I would highly recommend something with a diesel.
i had a K5 blazer, 33" tires, 350, th350, and was lucky to get 12mpg on the freeway doing 65 to 70mph. however, it was carb'd, not injected, so that had something to do with it.


My Tahoe 2000 when engine work properly and have good 93 gasoline easy give me on HWY 20-25 miles/gallon with 75/80 miles speed rate trip .
All depend road condition and quality of gasoline ( and i have Mickey Thompson MTR rear tire ).http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y283/Aleksii/?action=view&current=SDC10135.jpg

Darn! 25 mpg from a big 'ol Tahoe! I must be doing something wrong...my S-10 Blazer can't even do that!

I have a 2007 Quigley with the 6.8 V-10 and 5-speed Torqueshift tranny and it gets only 12 mpg. My 2004 Ram/Cummins gets 18+. Since I live in the middle of nowhere and fuel can be hard to find I really wish that Quigley had a diesel under the hood. 12 x 30 gallons = 360 miles; 18 x 30 gallons = 540 miles. That's almost 200 more miles in range I would have. Plus, out in the middle of nowhere any ranch will have diesel but very few have gasoline!


Darn! 25 mpg from a big 'ol Tahoe! I must be doing something wrong...my S-10 Blazer can't even do that!

Well , that simple awry 3500-4000 miles i fill up full tank with ultra 97 and put inside European market engine cleaner , gas saver horrible mix in one can with oxygen buster , and run full tank 75+ miles/h 2000 rpm until from 26 gallon left 2 or 3.
As result with next fill up i easy can go up to 600 miles if stable speed and no traffic , usually from NY City to Key West Florida 3 fill up only :victory:, but again when i did not lost half a tank in two hours and between two exists in Washington DC *-(

I Love Big Old American Car with powerful 5,7 engine , very light touch and car simple run faster , so you don't have to push pedal all the way down to see a result :victory:

NY City to Devil Tower take me 5 24 gallons fill up in January 2009:smiley_drive:


Watching you from a ridge
Subbins that's in my sig gets 11 mpg (towing 10k or so), 15-17mpg regular driving, tops of right around 21mpg babying it on the interstate. '99 F350 w/7.3 and AT, bone stock, around 16 in normal daily driving. Still haven't taken it on any long trips, but I'm betting it'll match the Suburban/Cummins if I drive it slow on cruise control with no trailer.

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