My suburban has a 40 gallon tank. If I use a conservative value of 15 mpg (I know I can get better than that), that gives me a range of at least 600 miles.
My Tahoe 2000 when engine work properly and have good 93 gasoline easy give me on HWY 20-25 miles/gallon with 75/80 miles speed rate trip .
All depend road condition and quality of gasoline ( and i have Mickey Thompson MTR rear tire ).¤t=SDC10135.jpg
Darn! 25 mpg from a big 'ol Tahoe! I must be doing something S-10 Blazer can't even do that!
Well , that simple awry 3500-4000 miles i fill up full tank with ultra 97 and put inside European market engine cleaner , gas saver horrible mix in one can with oxygen buster , and run full tank 75+ miles/h 2000 rpm until from 26 gallon left 2 or 3.
As result with next fill up i easy can go up to 600 miles if stable speed and no traffic , usually from NY City to Key West Florida 3 fill up only :victory:, but again when i did not lost half a tank in two hours and between two exists in Washington DC *-(
I Love Big Old American Car with powerful 5,7 engine , very light touch and car simple run faster , so you don't have to push pedal all the way down to see a result :victory:
NY City to Devil Tower take me 5 24 gallons fill up in January 2009:smiley_drive: