also read this as just fun sharing not at all trying to lecture etc..
hahaha just nice to see other togs etc..
I write poor sorry
don't want it to come out bad
just been at this a long time and pretty good life in the industry I carved out over the years
D800 is noisy compared to others though
never said its bad just not as good as some when it comes to noise
plenty of detail of course and is a great camera for sure that and the A7R you can't touch for detail in the 35mm style FF format its not the best for low noise though but is the best for detail and pure MP
for weddings these days I shoot the M4/3 cause its fun and certain things I like about it it much more quiet etc. but about half my shots are with FF half with the Oly so again I shoot both love both leverage both for its advantages just like primes vs zooms both have a place shot over 40 jobs with the M4/3 along side my FF took about 15 to really find its pros and cons
hahahaha also I am bored after shooting so long and kinda getting out of weddings compared with what I started with when digital came in all cameras are superior to my old 1D or 1DMKII even the MKIII the mirrorless beat the pants of those and I did fine with those
IMHO gear won't hold you back anymore know matter what you choose
stuff like this the tilt screen is handy love that feature
this is typical speech shot kinda thing at the reception with the OLY 75 lens plenty of detail you can actually make out each eye lash kinda detail this is not retouched
just out of raw full size so you can see detail
where they do fall short low light focus so usually I do the speeches cause I love that Oly 75 ! insane good lens sharper than any nikon lens but once receptions start tend to just do the FF with primes the only lens to equal it would be the 135L and IMHO the Oly might lead it
just like the new Fuji 56 1.2 and the panny/leica 42.5 those two lens for mirrorless are beating the FF offerings in the 85 range ! which is killer !!!!
I hated the canon 85 1.2 but loved it for output wide open but shot my 1.8 more since it would focus quicker and ended up dumping the 1.2 since its a dog to focus
been a full time wedding tog about 15 years
and also did commercial before that like Architectural Digest Food & Wine Conde Nast Travel about 100 jobs a year so would say have a good track record some wedding stuff now also have a post production company so I see a ton of files from all kinds of cameras on top of what I shoot
I only shoot about 20-30 jobs a year now though to busy with the post company
before all that did underwater for about 15 years
some insane stuff got to see and do like one of the few to dive and take photos on the USS Arizona etc.. my underwater stuff was the most fun places like Micronesia doing stuff on WWII shipwrecks etc..
not sure if you own a E-M1 or GH4 ? but depending on what/how you use things other M4/3 are not in the same class as the OMD or GH4 but you are not going to find the fuji any better than a E-M1 some might argue one way or the other but its a mute point they are so close
again I have compared enough weddings with both
and as we know its the tog not the gear
myself and some of my buds who shoot fuji or Oly blend it in so you can't see the difference
good point that above shot this was with FF
even blown up or pixel peeping you can't tell the difference ? if anything the M4/3 might be a touch better
again not saying don't get a Fuji
if that is what ya like ya get it use it and enjoy it but be ready for focus frustration in low light ! I love the fuji but I don't love the focus and don't love the files at times
did a NY wedding recently second shooter had Fuji and first time running through the newer LR now that it supports it way better but C1 is even better also could use a tilt screen
Fuji for wedding togs has a nice lens line up and the 56 1.2 is a great piece of glass myself I am waiting to see what they do with the next pro model and if they can get focus down a bit better I might go that route since I used to shoot viewfinder gear in the 70s and 80s some
good story for the Fuji saving the day
not sure if you know John Mireles ? he has a fuji likes it but he was sharing he had a shoot the other day the 10s of thousands of dollar kind and his D800 kept having back focus issue pulled out his Fuji and saved the day
for sure any mirrorless is a nice piece of gear to have in the kit these days I will say don't dump your D800 though
cause I think you will still need it want it especially when the lights go down
I know you mentioned backup ? not sure if you have two D800 ? I would go that route first
I would say use it for its pros super quiet getting ready shooting is really nice without the louder clunks etc.. so its more in addition to the FF gear