Thanks everyone for all the input. Part of the reason I am thinking about the Blazer is that, as a couple of you mentioned, the parts (OEM and aftermarket) are much more common and inexpensive. There is something to be said for knowing that, no matter where I am, if I walk into any parts store in any town I can get what I need.
I'd want to drive it for a while before I start really putting a lot of money into it (upgraded axles, lockers, etc), but I would probably do the heads and starter and give the ignition and cooling system a good once over along with sound proofing the interior, new shocks and flush/fill all fluids. I drive a Land Rover now, so I don't think I'll be missing a whole lot in the power department. I'm fine with slow, as long as it isn't VW bus slow. I'd rather have the longer range (better mileage) over the ability to thow mud rooster tails 30 feet in the air.
A couple people have mentioned axles. Are they weak in the Blazer, or is that an upgrade that would be more important for a rock crawler? I'd lock it front and rear eventually, but I doubt I'll ever see the Rubicon in it.
It is larger than I would ideally go for (Blazer blight is a great term btw). Since I do most of my wheeling in the desert, I'm not overly concerned with trees, but I do love how much easier my Disco is to manuver on switchbacks than the Full-Size trucks I have been out with.
I'd avoid the pick up just because my purpose for a blazer/FJ is to have the dogs in the same space as me and the girlfriend (KCOWYO hit the nail on the head).
But I agree 100% with hillbilly, I want dead simple and reliable. The FJ has it in spades, but has cost working against it (in this comparison anyway). I would like to buy and build a decent rig for under 10-12K


that I would not be worried about taking the girlfriend and dogs on a two week backcountry trip.