Not 100% true, but definitely easier if you can do this.
The standard round 110L OEM tank is 400mm deep. If you have the same depth on a replacement tank that makes things much easier.
However... when I had custom stainless steel tanks made the depth was 500mm. Initially, I replaced the sender wire that holds the float with a length of stainless steel TIG welding rod. That worked okay, but I was never really happy with that solution. The final solution, which I am happy with, was to get a custom fuel sender manufactured that had the correct flange and ohm range.
As mentioned previously, the OEM sender and fuel gauge are calibrated for a round tank. If you want the gauge to read correctly at full, half and empty then you need to use the same ohm settings at those points. For a Fuso, those are zero ohms at full, 50 ohms at half and 150 ohms at empty. As should be obvious, this is not linear, but there is little you can do about that if you want to use the OEM fuel gauge in the dash.
The image below shows both of my senders.
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