That’s a nice setup I like the barn doors what kind of interior build do you have?
The idea came from this photo I saw on this website about 6 years ago . Read his notes
For me the barn door style is the only way to go,I camped out of a Jeep Comanche pick up for a few years with a high-rise regular style cap, pulling up the tailgate and pulling down the cab door is not that much fun after a while. On the barn door style it also adds good wind protection for when you’re cooking.
It is just a custom ordered ARE DCU contractors cap and I built the interior myself after many hours of research .
Before building this I talk to my uncle who had a pop up camper for 20 years on a small Nissan truck and asked his advice .
He said consider this things
1 .Weight ,(always an issue no matter what rig you have)
2 . How long does it take from the time you stop until you are making coffee or lunch,,,
3. How long does it take to setup for bed.
4. If it is pouring rain how long does it take set up and be comfortable.
I will also add these things to consider ,What percentage of your gear can you access when it’s in the different configurations.
This one I find important, If in a pinch I can camp almost anywhere,,,,99 % of people never guess it’s a camper,
These things are even more important if its a full time rig (home)
There is no perfect rig,
Here’s another photo in the back,