Ok, so I'll admit up front, I'm new to gaia. I'm now planning a trip using their software. I've plotted a considerable number of waypoints w/ the intent of creating a route leveraging those waypoints. Only one problem.....the damn software makes all the waypoints so faint when you're creating the route, they're almost useless. It will UNNECESSARILY make the planning process much more time consuming. Who in their right mind decided "i got this great idea. We're going to hide the waypoints when people attempt to create routes." I mean, what the heck do they think people want waypoints for? Just for map markers?? Rather disgusted to learn this after all the work i put into creating waypoints. For all the raving i hear about Gaia, especially on youtube, how did they arrive at what has to be one of the dumbest decisions I could imagine for this type of software?? So, be warned. So glad I paid for a 5yr plan recently. not.
Leads me to my questions.
1. How do the rest of you get around this?
2. I would like a program that runs on Windows and Android, can be used offline, doesn't require special hardware to run...and avoids ridiculous developer decisions. What would you recommend?
ps. I've confirmed this with their support desk because I was sure I was doing something wrong.
Leads me to my questions.
1. How do the rest of you get around this?
2. I would like a program that runs on Windows and Android, can be used offline, doesn't require special hardware to run...and avoids ridiculous developer decisions. What would you recommend?
ps. I've confirmed this with their support desk because I was sure I was doing something wrong.