Gaia vs MotionX?


Aventurero de la Selva
Looking for application for use off line with Ipad that will locate me on a downloaded map while off interwebs.

It seems Gaia and MotionX will fulfill that need (and Avenza) but looking for first hand experience working/navigating with them w/o any G3/4 connectivity.

Not much on expo about Gaia, seems to be more Motionx friendly here.

Opinions welcome!



I use all of 'em. I like Gaia because I find it easier to add custom maps for layering. But MotionX has a nicer position screen (just GPS coordinates; more like a tradition non-map GPS) so I use that when I don't need mapping. With Avenza's app you've gotta have PDFs, and they aren't always available for the area you're intested in. And it has only rudimentary GPS functionality compared to the other two. Given the cost, I'd go with all three.



New member
I use Motion X and Gaia. Both are easy to use, maps on Gaia use less space when downloaded. Gaia has more immediately available information onscreen, altitude, bearing, etc. but Motion X has a much cleaner interface if you just need a map.

I use Gaia mainly when playing in the State Forests, you can download the Forest Service motor vehicle use maps to it, otherwise I usually use motion X.


Expedition Leader
Excuse my noobness with GPS.
I feel like this is a very dumb question, but, do either of them find you when your not connected to any 3/4G? If I'm in the middle of death valley with no service, will it pin point where I am? Or is it just on the GPS for a reference?
Ive done some research on both of them and it seems that the Motion X is easier to navigate.


New member
They both use the GPS in my iPad Mini, you don't need to be connected to 4G. You do need to pre-load the maps for the area you are going to.


I've been using Motion-X GPS for about a year (Note that Motion-X GPS and Motion-X GPS Drive are not the same thing, the latter is for road navigation). I bought Motion-X GPS over Gaia because it is much cheaper and did everything I need it to. The app is $2, and that gets you the whole app except the ability to download custom map tiles (Google, USGS, Bing, etc can still be viewed but not D/L). If you want to D/L these custom map tiles, you pay a $5 in-app fee and it enables the ability to do so. However, keep in mind that the $2 app without the upgrade still allows you to D/L Motion-X Road, Terrain, and NOAA Marine tiles for free. Either way, you can max out the app's capabilities for $7, vs Gaia which is $20. Not bagging on Gaia, I think it's a great app too, but Motion-X GPS IS less money.

Motion-X GPS works great without any network connectivity. So well that I use the $2 version on my iPhone to map my runs as well. All you need to do is make sure your device is GPS enabled and that you D/L your map tiles in advance. If you have a 3G/4G-capable iPad, then you are already set with GPS as they come with the hardware installed. If you don't have a 3G/4G iPad, you need to get an external GPS transceiver like a Bad Elf. Downloading tiles is really easy, but takes some time and takes up a lot of space. I just checked my downloads and it looks like I was able to download Google terrain tiles for my entire state (down to zoom level 15, which is pretty detailed) for less than 6GB. I also downloaded the aviation sectionals for the whole state for 1.2GB. I usually use this app in the rig without any network connectivity in conjunction with a Ram mount and it works fantastically. That said, the app is not without its drawbacks.

First, you can't adjust the datum. WGS 84 is what it comes with and there's no way to change it. Not a big deal for most, but for me it is a huge limitation in SAR. Second, you can't set proximity alerts to waypoints. Third, and probably my biggest complaint, is that if you spin the map there is no natural way to reset north to up, other than clicking on the 'locate me' arrow button. So, if you're looking at the route ahead of you and want to reset north to up, it will reset to your current position on the map. Fourth, there's no road navigating, only straight-line navigating to waypoints. I get it, they have a road nav app they want you to buy separately, but it's a little frustrating that you can't even enable the feature via in-app purchase to make the app that much more powerful. Lastly, the app is built for function over form (bare with me here). It is not a very pretty app and the UI just feels old. That said, this is not necessarily a bad thing! An ugly & usable UI is much preferred to a beautiful and unusable UI, but a lot of modern apps have the best of both worlds so if that's important to you then it may be a consideration.

If I could go back in time and buy a new backcountry GPS/nav app, I would buy Motion-X GPS again.


Aventurero de la Selva
Thanks for all the feedback. Might just try out both and see which one works for me, they are cheap enough.


New member
I purchased MotionX for my Iphone 4s and its been good. I downloaded Bali and other areas and it was good...

However I found a new option that Ive fallen in love with. MapsWithMe... I think it was a few bucks, and you download whole countries at a time. (US you can download state by state) Ive used it for Australia and its pretty good, it even has most of the offroad tracks around me.

Its not perfect, but for a few bucks you can get a massive amount of data via wifi, then use your phone offline.

They have a 'lite' version that'll let you decide whether you like it.

I have nothing to do with the program, just a happy user.



I've been using Motion-X GPS for about a year............
If I could go back in time and buy a new backcountry GPS/nav app, I would buy Motion-X GPS again.

I recently bought Gaia and just found this forum where hopefully I can learn a little more about using it.....and other options. Just wanted to say thanks for this awesome and helpful review. I didn't even consider Motion-X but perhaps I should get it too. I was turned off years ago by Motion-X Drive due to the cost and subscription fee compared to other free or cheaper apps at the time. I use a 3g Ipad (2) for nav and usually travel onroad near home here in the Southeast, so I've become a fan of Waze, not for the cheesy social networking crap, but for the ability to see where speed traps, road construction and other obstacles are. It also has a pretty handy interface and gives a good size digital speedo in the corner, since I have oversize tires and an innacurate speedometer. Anyway, don't mean to hijack but wanted to throw out my experience with onroad GPS. I will be traveling and offroading a fair bit in the next few weeks in CO, Utah, Nevada and points further northwest so I can't wait to see how Gaia works out for me.

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