The first time you use one of these to save a life, you will realize it's worth double whatever you pay for it. I've used my older DeLorme InReach to rescue a HAPE victim who required a helo evac from 11,500 feet. The catalyst for me buying one was a time when some friends and I had been delayed on a backcountry ski trip by several hours in deteriorating winter weather after sunset, and a frantic spouse was on the phone with SAR, helo turning on the pad, when we finally got back into cell phone range. They would have launched into dangerous conditions for them when we were in no immediate danger ourselves.
I now carry mine anywhere I know there are cell phone dead spots, even on paved roads. I've also used it many times when I'm delayed and need to let my family know.
Probably preaching to the choir, but if you're on the fence, just do it.