iOverland POIs missing after update
I bought the Overlander the other day. After updating the software and maps I noticed the iOverland POIs did not exist. Unfortunately, I did not validate that iOverland POIs existed before updating. Garmin support told be to reload the maps. I tried that but Garmin Express failed. I returned/replaced the device and have not updated a thing and the iOverland POIs are available. I'm on Garmin software version 3.0 and North America map version NT 2020.10. Has anyone updated to the latest software and maps and still have access to the iOverland POIs?
Same problem. contacted through web. got an email to contact them. sent back to the webpage thing again. still haven't called. in the meantime I just downloaded the iOverlander android app and installed it. they show up on the garmin maps now, and can access the app, too. just will not you see it in map mode on the app, because you can not install google play product. the list and everything else work (putting in your own) in the app