4.56 will bring you above stock= feels like more power than you had stock. You can also purchase 4.56 gear sets from several gear manufacturers. 4.88's will be nice offroad, but unlikely to be worth the extra RPMs for most onroad driving, IMO. However, that is TOTALLY driver dependent. Also, you will definitely like the deeper gears towing, so you'll have to weigh the benefits of the extra gearing when you are towing vs not based on how often you tow.
I will point out that you likely had 265/70 R16 stock, not 75's, but I could be wrong. Every third gen I've ever seen (lots) with 16" wheels from the factory had 265/70R16's as the factory size. Check your door sticker. Certainly yours could be different. It would just surprise me.
I went to 4.30's in my 99 to bring me back to stockish feel. I ran 265/75's for a year or two with 4.10's, so the 4.30's with the 285/75's was actually slightly better than with the 265/75's, until I added bumpers. 4.30's are just a tad under the stock ratio of 4.10's with 265/70's, but I also have a supercharger, so to me, the extra RPMs of the 4.56 gears was not worth it, as I have plenty of power. That, and I was able to swap diffs in very quickly without any set up time as I picked up a set from an auto equipped 4Runner.
Without the SC, I would probably go with the 4.56's, especially if you plan to add bumpers and other constant weight to the vehicle (sliders, drawers, fridge, roof rack, etc....)