Gear tooth missing.


So I've been getting this weird sound on deceleration. Transfercase was rebuilt last year. So after going through all the motions of diagnosing everything else I decided to check the fluid. Metal flakes and chips. After screaming to the holy heavens and rover gods for pay backs (former hard core rover guy). So I split the case apart and found a tooth broken from gear directly behind the sight cover and a lower gear on the other side. The oil slinger broke off and fell in between gears. Cant really afford much of anything these days. Did source one out from a local member. But I wont be able to get it for awhile. So I slapped the case back together to keep it mobile in the drive way. Is it bad to drive with it like this? Not long distance but mainly to work. About 4 miles no highway. Makes the same noise. Like gears meshing together. How tough are these boxes. Anyone else ran a box with a couple of teeth missing? If so how long? This is very temporary if that. 1990 FJ62 with 116k. Thanks
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Are there any edges that bind when turned? If everything engages smoothly then you should be fine for short low speed drives. I wouldn't be surprised if more teeth break or get chipped though. Just be careful while driving it because you don't want it to bind in there and then start breaking other stuff.
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Thanks for reply. Not that I can tell. Everything seems to go together fine. Its more of those I need to get to work while my wife takes the Subaru. Well see. Drive excellent no noise until I let of the gas.


Accelerating and decelerating are going to be the hardest on it. You can always pop it into neutral while slowing down. That should relieve a little of the pressure on the gears.


Ok I will do. Talk to someone and they have a whole case for $250. He's local so Ill pick it up sometime next week. Then Ill get all the gaskets and new bearings


Had a tooth get broken off the low gear in my Brothers HJ60 t case (Same as a FJ62 case) he drove it for about 12k kms like that and when we tore into it we found that the previous owner had run a tap (stripped fill plug) to far into the case and broken the teeth off. We had no idea how long it had run like that but at the end it was making a hell of a racket and the chips had torn up other parts in the t case.


There are no less than 3 teeth at a time engaged with each other, if you could have cleaned up the sharp edges I would not worry about it for a short period of time. Glad you got a new case though...


My only worry is the oil slinger braking again. Looks fine but thats still in back of my head. Install tomorrow. Ill post back

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