Gen 2.5, Instrument Cluster Brake Light Stuck On, With Fix


Monterror Pilot
Wife called from parking lot.....started truck, brake light stuck on. She checked fluid level in reservoir and it was good. E-brake was off. Brakes felt good so she drove home.
I pull the filter screen from reservoir and bounce the float with needle nose pliers, light goes on and off on cue. Fluid in reservoir looked dark. I sucked it out and refilled with new fluid, the float lifted up nicely and the light is now off. New fluid in reservoir fixed the problem.


Thanks for the fix! I just picked up a 97’ and it has the same story. Brakes are good, e-brake off, light on. I’ll check fluids tomorrow.


Monterror Pilot
That’s the weird part, I just did a full flush in November. There were a lot of floaters in there too last night, I think the cap rubber seal thing might be degrading. It has been submerged in brake fluid for 20 years......


Monterror Pilot
Updating this, I ordered a new reservoir cap seal (which Mitsubishi calls a « diaphram ». I was surprised to see that mine has been messed up for a long time. The new one is on the left, the old one on the right. The old one has been that way for as long as I can remember, so it was frequently covered in brake fluid. The new one should rarely get soaked. I’m guessing the old one wasn’t sealing correctly and was also leaching crap into my brake fluid and messing up the brake light float.


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Thank you for this. I just had my brakes bled. Light still on. Will drive for a few more days, but looking more likely that I'll try this out and get a new cap and diaphragm.

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