It may take a little while to figure it out on your own, but just look up the procedure. Once you know it, you can do this job in literally ten minutes. Replace those little buggers with LEDs and you'll never have to do it again.
My attempt at this failed today. I was able to access the lights (wow, there are a LOT of them), but AutoZone and PepBoys (two local general auto parts suppliers) did not have anything similar to them, and NOTHING in their look up tables for instrument lighting. So not only was I unable to get replacement bulbs, I came up completely empty on LED replacements for them. Do you have a source and/or part number?
On a related note, the lamp that illuminates the right hand side of my air conditioning controls is out. I tried to access that one today, but was unable to extract the A/C unit from the dash. I couldn't disconnect the wiring harness's, and there is not enough slack in the bundle to pull it out more than an inch, if that. However, I was able to pull out this weird blue thing. Is this a light? if so, how does one remove the light from the harness? I tried multiple push/pull/twist gymnastics and accomplished nothing. However, my mechanical aptitude is incredibly low. I was frankly more than a little surprised that I was able to remove the harnesses on the gauge cluster without too much difficulty. It only took me an hour to wiggle them loose.
Here is the blue thing: