Gen III jingle jangle


Hey there,

So I bought my first montero two weeks ago. So far everything has been going very well, it holds fluids, it drives great, the transmission shifts silky smooth, 4wd operates without fault. But I have noticed that sometimes, when the vehicle is idling forward or at very very slow speeds, I hear a jingle from the rear. The noise is as if a small chain necklace is just barely dragging on the pavement. There is no vibration, and no other symptom, I've done some looking around back there but haven't noticed anything out of place.

I'm wondering if anyone has a clue what I should tear apart to figure out what the issue is before it turns into a catastrophic nightmare...It's also possible that it could be due to an overactive imagination.




The chrome on my wheels started flaking and rubbed against the caliper. See if it's that.

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Check all the brake first,and listen to see does it go away when you are braking,or get louder.

A slightly worse scenario would be the diff,jack up one wheel at the back with the truck in neutral,get under it and have someone turn the wheel in the air,and see does the noise come from the rear diff,close to where the prop joins it,then take the prop off and try again,if it's gone with the prop on it it is probably the u.j.s if it is still there it could be the diff pinion bearing preload I had that problem recently,went for the ham fisted approach,and torqued it until the noise went away.


Hey everybody,

Sorry for the late reply, I've been without internet for a few days. I will definitely try giving a close listen and apply the hand brake. The thing is, I only really get to hear it in a quiet, enclosed area like a parking garage. My house is no where near a parking garage, nearest one is probably an hour and a half away. But I'm sure I could replicate the sound if I hire a sidekick to listen as I drive…sure hope it's not an issue with the diff…




My van makes a similar noise while driving slowly. I thought it was related to automatic transmission because I only noticed when rolling to/from a stop. Stopped by my favorite mechanic and in 2 minutes he said, no worries, it's a baffle inside the muffler rattling. He was totally correct. That was over a year ago and as the noise has gotten worse I've been able to positively identify it coming from inside muffler. Can be tested by slowly revving the motor while sitting still, noise would appear just off idle which is why I noticed it only when rolling to/from a stop. Of course there is always the exhaust heat shield possibilities too.

At any rate, just an idea.

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