Hello to all of you loyal (by no other choice) FUSO owners. And a hello to you others that have not converted yet! My name is Ron Lucero. Some of you here know who I am and others don't. I am the service manager at Kearny Mesa Truck Center in San Diego, Ca. I am a friend and an avid supporter of what you are doing out there with the FUSO equipment. It is great fun talking with Michel, Doug, and Dan and seeing what is working and what is not. The theories, and the trials and errors. I am here today to introduce myself as a person with resources available to you here in the states, an advocate for you to FUSO, a supporter, and most importantly; a dedicated individual to keep your equipment dependable and reliable. I will stop at nothing to assist you in any way I can. I am fascinated at how advanced and technological the expedition process has become, and plan to more closely monitor what all of you are doing. If any of you ever have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to bring them to my attention as I will do my best to address them to the best of my ability. Thank you and its nice to meet you all!