Getting a toddler to sleep?


I'll be camping this fall with my 19 month old as well - I appreciate the tips in the beginning of this thread.



I would use Dramamine over Benadryl if I had a choice as I think Benadryl is just a tad too strong. IMO you only want to take the edge off, not drug them to sleep, otherwise their sleep won't be a natural one.
I just let mine run around like slightly insane, mostly small people. That tends to tucker them out well enough.

Also, when not camping, they have a good routine of up at 0600 and to bed my 1930, so sleep tends to come earlier rather than later with them.


We didn't start camping until we had all the kids, so it's not the same experience, but we used a portable dvd player in the tent. They were already so tired, they passed out quickly. Watching a movie made it less uncomfortable and strange to them being in a tent. However, I don't know if this would work with just one child. Maybe if it's their favorite movie, and you start watching it with them?

After the first year of camping we didn't have to use the dvd player anymore for bedtime.
I just let mine run around like slightly insane, mostly small people. That tends to tucker them out well enough.

Also, when not camping, they have a good routine of up at 0600 and to bed my 1930, so sleep tends to come earlier rather than later with them.

My kids have the exact same rigid routine at home. They also have all the opportunity to run around at camp. They still don't fall asleep easily. We had a bit of trouble with my boy when he was younger, but he's pretty good now. But my daughter is really difficult to get to sleep at ~20 months. It's just too exciting for her to be in this strange place lying down next to Mom. She sleeps well at home, and has been in a real twin size bed since she was ~16 months (due to a penchant for climbing out of her crib) but the tent is just too exciting.

All kids are different. And the only thing worse than kids who won't sleep is parents who judge other parents based on the experiences with their own kids. All kids are different. That's why nobody has written a definitive owners manual for them.

FYI, Dramamine 1 is essentially the same drug as Benedryl but also contains Theophylline, a stimulant like caffeine. Dramamine 2 is a different drug altogether, meclizine, and causes even less drowsyness. I'd even question the point of using it. Just use a half-dose or even less of Benadryl.

Dramamine 1 also takes much longer to take effect, up to 4 hours, and then lasts longer, could still be in effect the next day. Not really what you want if you've been struggling to get them to sleep drug-free until 2AM.

Uncle Roger

We just got back from a quick overnight camping trip to the Grand Canyon and my 19 month old loves playing at the campsite, laying in the hammock, getting in the roof top tent, but we have the hardest time getting her to go to sleep.
Leave her home. 19 months is plenty old enough to fend for herself. Heck, mine had jobs and their own apartment by then.

(Just kidding.)

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