So let's say a solar panel at 17v and a battery at 12v. Keep it simple, direct connected, no charge controller.
How do you measure the voltage of the charging circuit?
You can't.
You can measure at the terminals of the solar and see 17v. You can measure at the terminals of the battery and see 12v.
But both measurements are creating a bypass and reading that instead of the charging circuit itself...
Well crap... So, how can you measure the voltage drop?
You can't.
Not that it really matters...because in that situation...there is no voltage drop anyway.
(This is the point where someone will start loudly quoting Ohm's Law while banging their fist on the table and spilling everyone's beer.
Allow me to explain...
The solar has a potential of 17v. Given time, it will eventually push the voltage of the circuit up that high. But it can't because the battery is limiting the voltage of the circuit to battery voltage. Right now, that's 12v.
So you have one force trying to push the voltage up, and another holding it down.
You can calculate blah blah Xv Ya blah blah wire size length blah blah voltage drop blah blah half a volt.
So okay, you calculated half a volt drop. Fine.
Where is it?
It ain't in the charging circuit which is operating at battery voltage because the battery is limiting (you could say regulating) the circuit voltage.
So where is it? Gotta be there somewhere, Ohm's Law is a friggin' LAW.
Yeah, nah. Not in this situation. Doesn't apply.
The resistance of the wire still has an effect of reduces the amperage flowing through the circuit.