Gifts for Children

Colonal Angus

Might I suggest a father gave me one when I was around that age and its been by far the best gift and most memorable gift I've ever received from anyone. While gathering firewood around the campsite, my dad told me to go grab the lighter from under the driver seat ('86 4runner) my surprise I found a brand new leather handled Estwing. Looked back at my pop and he had the biggest grin on his face.

You could have it engraved and/or have the leather sheath branded.

Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
A hand held GPS with your address in memory. He knows you will always be there for him, All he has to do is find the way.
"Things Remembered" can engrave a plate to place on it or laser engrave a saying and date.

Brian McVickers

Staff member
A wonderful idea and a special time for both of you!

Whatever you decide to get be prepared that it may get lost or broken. Something special that will last him but perhaps something that can be duplicated and replaced. I've been taking this approach with my 6-year old son while working with him to be responsible, appreciate the things he has and take care of them, but.... he is still 6... and a boy! Last summer I gave my son an heirloom compass and he was beside himself with excitement! He helped navigate with it all summer and then I started finding it mixed in with the match box cars and legos. Now it is sitting here on my desk but it's still his to use when he wants.

I still have knives, watches and compasses that I received as a kid. A nice one-person backpacking cook set is another idea. Something he can use now and through time.


College Kid

He's lucky to have you!

Just being there for him is something he'll always remember and treasure forever. Recently I've been cleaning out my parents house and came across my old fishing pole dad gave me. That pole saw hundreds of pedaled miles strapped to a bicycle and tons of trips in rental boats and canoes. It wasn't nothing fancy, I believe it was purchased in an old Woolworth store in the mid to late 60's. I re-rigged it a couple of weeks ago and used it and it brought back plenty of fond memories. I'd give every thing I own to go fishing with my dad again.

Take the day off, dig up some worms, pack a lunch and some drinks and take him fishing!


We had our first Father/Son camping trip a few weeks ago(no mum) was a great trip and incidentally it was a on route to visit my Dad/his "new" Grand Dad. It's funny how those old memories stick, but I had the opportunity to observe my old man teach my new son to skip stones...........and for my whole life I can't remember skipping stones when I don't think back about the times on the beach with my Dad trying to skip stones like him...........


How about funding a 529 account? Okay and a compass...

We really don't know the lad like you do, I trust you are a good enough Dad to come up with the perfect and appropriate marker for this occasion.

Colonal Angus

The greatest memories made are always outside, it seems. Skipping, yet priceless.
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I have an 8yr old boy and to be honest at 6 (and 8) things get broken and lost. The best gift you can give him is a memory you can talk about for months and years. Give him the gift of your time, a nice trip. Take him on a camping trip where he can climb around on rocks, run free or do whatever he loves to do and you join in and encourage him to explore. He's the boss, you follow. At night you can talk about being his Dad and that special bond when HE wants to. He'll talk for 2 minutes then he'll be done for the night but he'll remember it forever.

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