I'm using a Comet CA-2X4SR w/Spring on my adventure trailer GMRS Repeater and APRS Radio, I plan on getting another one for my tow vehicle w/a Kenwood D710G modified to reach GMRS frequencies.. just trying to decide if I should drill a hole through the roof and get it done or wait a bit longer and save up and put a front runner roof rack on and mount it to that.
I've been very happy with its performance, when I was setting up the 2m radio I noticed I was getting better reception in the driveway than my home station's J-Pole.. so I went out and bought a new base station antenna for home and my performance skyrocketed.
Folding antenna was pretty much mandatory for my trailer since the top of the antenna is ~13ft high now.. first antenna I put up broke clean off within the first few trips.. Ive since bent a spring on the Comet but the antenna held up fine, cheaper to replace the spring than the whole antenna.. but now I'm moving it from the passanger side to the drivers side right next to the ladder, so its further away from trees, I'll be able to see it in rear view mirror and folding it over when needed will be a quick 30s job without actually requiring stepping foot on the roof.