Go4Lo's '02 Tundra build


Nice!!! For the wrap-arounds, may I suggest extending them to the flares. So, cutting all the sheet metal and flares and have the edge of the wrap-around flush with the wheel well.

If you cut the metal below the wrap arounds as it is in the pic, that's going to leave that small portion unprotected. There have been several times, I've come down on a rock and I could see a boulder lodging itself in between and causing body damage.

I appreciate the suggestions as I had considered doing just that. But the truth is this truck won't be seeing anything too hardcore, mainly just fire roads and moderate trails.

BTW...you have a nice SAC'd Tundra. I've seen it several times on different boards and drooled....


Any update on the front bumper?

Yep, the front bumper is painted and installed with the winch as of last night. Part of the deal with the fab guy was that I would paint the front and rear bumpers so that's been the delay.

I picked the truck up on Saturday and have been spending all my spare time (not much) prepping, painting and installing the bumpers over the last few days. I am VERY happy with how the bumpers turned out and can't wait to post pictures for you guys to see.

It's hard to get any decent pics as it's dark in the morning when I leave for work and dark when I get home....:mad: I promise I'll post some soon.


I appreciate the suggestions as I had considered doing just that. But the truth is this truck won't be seeing anything too hardcore, mainly just fire roads and moderate trails.

BTW...you have a nice SAC'd Tundra. I've seen it several times on different boards and drooled....

Thanks for the compliments! Look forward on seeing your truck as it progresses!!!!


Last Minute OBX Trip

The wife and I decided at the 11th hour to take Friday off work and spend Valentine's weekend on road :wings: She's 6 months pregnant so there's very little physical activity for her these days. Fortunately for me she enjoys road trips and visiting new places so after spending a late night Thursday dialing in a few things on the truck we loaded up all the gear and hit the road Friday morning heading east.

Before I go on I should preface by saying this was by no means a "hardcore" off road trip nor am I a good photographer, but the plan was to hit the sand on the Outer Banks for some off road driving time, snap a few pictures along the way, and mainly enjoy the beautiful weather and relaxing time away from the city and the monotony of working in an office.

On to the trip....

We spent last night in Beaufort, NC at the Beaufort Inn on the river front (great place and highly recommend if you're ever in the area). After a nice breakfast compliments of the Beaufort Inn staff and chat with the owners we headed north on hwy 70 for a date with the Cedar Island Ferry over to Ocracoke Island.

A few pictures from this morning at a rustic old gas station turned restaurant in downtown Beaufort and a few decent pics of the Tundra showing off it's new armor and painted grille :elkgrin:




I've always had a soft spot for the VW's and this one was no exception, parked on the street in Beaufort. My wife thinks I'm crazy but I had to turn around and snap a pic.


For those not familiar with the NC coast there are hundreds of small barrier islands that are a part of the larger more commonly known Core Outer Banks islands like Ocracoke, Hatteras, etc... NC operates a ferry system that connects tourists from the mainland to each of the larger core islands. The other smaller islands are open to 4wd vehicles but are only accessible via privately owned and operated ferry services. On the way to the Cedar Island Ferry (NC Ferry) we drove through the small town of Davis, NC where the private ferrys head out to the smaller islands. It seemed as though around every corner in these small towns all of the older 4wd trucks and vans had been lifted and outfitted with large mud terrain tires and slide in campers. :Wow1:



The drive from Beaufort to Cedar Island provided several very scenic views and beautiful spots as we traveled through the wilderness areas.




We arrived at the boarding terminal for the ferry around noon with a scheduled departure time of 1pm. After a PB&J sandwich and cold beverage we loaded the ferry for the 2.5 hour trip across the Pamlico Sound bound for Ocracoke Island. I only took a handful of pictures on the ferry ride as the trip had us mainly on open water.





After a nice nap, some reading, and several snacks we finally arrived on Ocracoke Island. By this point we had been on payment for 300+ miles so I was itching to put the truck in 4wd and hit the sand! We had about an hour to kill before catching the next ferry from Ocracoke over to Hatteras Island so hit the sand we did. :wings:

Given our time crunch I only stopped once on the sand to snap a couple of pics.



We are staying the night tonight on Hatteras Island and if the weather proves to be as beautiful tomorrow as it was today we plan to drive out to the cape in the morning before hitting the pavement again for the load trip home.
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White Turtle Adventures & Photography
Go4Lo, nice pictures looks warm.

Side note: you have dust on your camera sensor. Take it to a camera store and ask them to show you how to clean it. Will get rid of the black dot on the pictures.


Go4Lo, nice pictures looks warm.

Side note: you have dust on your camera sensor. Take it to a camera store and ask them to show you how to clean it. Will get rid of the black dot on the pictures.

Don't let the sun deceive you, it was in the low 50s today with steady breeze so a jacket and a hat was still a must.

Yeah I know the dust spot is there but it's a older point and shoot camera so I'm not sure if it's worth fixing. I really just need to quit spending money on the truck and buy a nice camera :cool:


Looks great and fab work looks nice. What did your guy say about duplicates? I'd be into some sliders and a rear bumper like that.
The Tundras may not be rock crawlers but with sliders and a winch that thing will get you just about most places.


Love that front bumper! Your fabricator has one sale here if he made some up, and I know others on tundrasolutions would be interested! Your whole trucks is coming along nicely, and looks great!


Looks great and fab work looks nice. What did your guy say about duplicates? I'd be into some sliders and a rear bumper like that.
The Tundras may not be rock crawlers but with sliders and a winch that thing will get you just about most places.

Love that front bumper! Your fabricator has one sale here if he made some up, and I know others on tundrasolutions would be interested! Your whole trucks is coming along nicely, and looks great!

I did talk to him about building more bumpers and sliders for internet sales but he's a one man shop and doesn't have much interest in production work....sorry. If you find a local fabricator that can build you a similar bumper I'll glady send you all the pics and details you want of them.

ol' scott

What the....:Wow1:

I'm sure if you were interested we could find somebody who'd trade bumpers with you, you know, so you could get back to stock and increase the resale value.

Semper Paratus

Look forward to the build. I'm up in the air still with either a fiberglass topper or building a custom canvas topper. Here's a shot I posted in the photography thread on three 1 gen tundras set-up three different ways.... :smiley_drive:


The tundra in the far left of the picture has a rack on the cab... how did it get there??? I didn't think we could put racks up on there.

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