Goose Gear Cleaning


I have the goose Gear in the my JT Gladiator, the floor is dirty, just old dust and trail dirt. I've tried 409 and McGuires All Purpose Cleaner, and both can't get the city out of the "LineX" liner, what is the best way to get the Goose Gear cleaned?


Explorer, Overland Certified OC0020
I have the goose Gear in the my JT Gladiator, the floor is dirty, just old dust and trail dirt. I've tried 409 and McGuires All Purpose Cleaner, and both can't get the city out of the "LineX" liner, what is the best way to get the Goose Gear cleaned?
Try a foam tire shine of your choice and a nylon brush. If it’s really dirt wipe with a clean cloth and apply a second coat. Should look like new.
I would hesitate to use any kind of chemical. Water and toothbrush is helpful. For the grooves, Q-tips. Toothbrush and vacuum with long head--done that, too. I once asked a GG employee how to clean the surfaces and he didn't really know what to tell me. But that's okay. We're nearly at the three-year point (to Peru so far) and I'd prefer the reliability and functionality to some crystal clean situation. Hope you find a solution that works for you.

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