Okay, so it turns out that we've had a lot of success with past "photo essays" of other Jeep vehicle platforms and we've decided to dedicate our spring 2009 issue to the Jeep Liberty. If you have a cool photo of your rig on the trails, send us a high resolution (300dpi or better) with a full mod listing, etc and we'll plan to use it in our next issue. As an incentive, all submissions will receive one complimentary JPFreek decal.
Email your photo submissions to: editor@jpfreek.com
All photo submissions need to be received no later than 1/31/09 so keep 'em coming and keep 'em a-plenty. Happy Jeepin'!
Email your photo submissions to: editor@jpfreek.com
All photo submissions need to be received no later than 1/31/09 so keep 'em coming and keep 'em a-plenty. Happy Jeepin'!