Got a new stove Stansport Tuff Stove


I've had mine for over a year, its held up good, biggest complaint is its heavy. Burners work great, easy clean up



I found this picture comical. If the stove is so "tuff", why do you need to keep it in a pelican case?
Seriously though, awesome looking stove. Simple and functional. If my old coleman ever dies, this will be a contender for a new one.


Mine just finished up it's first season last year is is doing well. The finish is showing a little wear from riding in the trailer but overall it's holding up.


Glad I saw this thread. I've had this on my Amazon wishlist for about 6 months now but haven't pulled the trigger.

Question: How does it act on low? Does it get down low enough to simmer or does it want to run hot?


Rendezvous Conspirator
Glad I saw this thread. I've had this on my Amazon wishlist for about 6 months now but haven't pulled the trigger.

Question: How does it act on low? Does it get down low enough to simmer or does it want to run hot?

My biggest concern as well. My CampChef "idles" WAAAAAY too hot.


Figured it was about time to replace my 25yo Target 'Greatlands' propane stove. Served me well along with many delicious meals...

In its place, I purchased this Stansport 'Tuff Stove' off Amazon for $55. Even paying the add'l $20 for the bottle adapter kept the price below retail for many 2 burner propane camp stoves, Coleman, etc.

My initial comments and first experiences:

This sucker is heavy! Finish is as expected, it's not the quality of the Partner - nor was it expected to be. All latches and hinges were in great shape with none of the issues an earlier poster had encountered.

First meal was the following morning, bacon and eggs (a camp morning mainstay). The first thing that impressed my was how low I could turn down the flame. Course it was a windless morning. Finally, I wont have to suffer through overcrisped bacon again. ;)


Does not have an built in igniter - I was aware of this upfront
I'll probably add a few more rods to the grill/rack for smaller diam pots.

Herbie: You might want to investigate 'flame tamers'

From initial impressions I do believe I have have purchased my last camp stove, This is a solid piece of gear. Disassembles easily for cleanup. I can run it off a bulk tank, or individual 1lb. bottles. Powerful burners with excellent flame control.


lost on the mainland
just noticed this thread :) WOW those parts look exactly like the partner stove ! very interesting for $55
really looks like the saw it and tried to copy it


I've had this stove for 2yrs now, I like it but.....
It's heavy, I knew that the day I got it though.
Like the coleman this stove replaced I have to keep an eye on the small brass line on the inside where the propane runs through to the burners.
It twist when tighting the hose intot he unit
The Coleman eventually twisted off and made the stove useless. I keep an open end wrench in the stove to hold the nut to keep it from twisting.
Other the that, it burns at a low flame and really puts out some heat when cranked open
I've compared it to a Partner and they did a good job of copying it. This one has stronger hinges maybe to hold open the steel lid & wind screens.


Roger M.

It may look a bit like a Partner ... But it ain't no Partner.
The Partner sports the finest welds I've ever seen. Marine quality.

A Partner is for life, then it goes to your kid, and then your grandkid ...... this Chinese rip-off? - not so much.


It would be great if there were something in between, but this one got my order too. It should be a great stove.

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